little girl, sad and alone, lift up your eyes to the blue blue sky and count the clouds as they roll over your head. little girl, what do you see? a dragon and a dog, a friend and a foe, a heavenly hope? sweet young lady, why do you hide? ignore the words of ignorant critics. they want to hurt you to make themselves feel better. remember they feel worse than you do. pick yourself up and smile at the world around you, it's a gift, precious to your young eyes. don't feel as if there is something wrong with you because you are not ready. one day you will be, and it will be beyond what you could have imagined for yourself.
today you are still a young lady. today you still have the world in front of you. today you have the chance to change it all, to live it all, to enter into the romance of it all. spare me your insecurities. spare me the woe of being alone. spare me the doubt of your beauty and wonder. embrace what is amazing about you, everything He has made in you, and made you to be.
grasp tightly what you know, hold it up to the light. don't let the darkness take what you have in your sight. death whispers words of defeat in your ear, don't give into that fear, instead draw near to the one who holds your heart, your dreams, hopes, and disappointments, in His safe hands. our hearts will always stumble over doubts, and hurts, over the things we don't know, or we are unsure of. we have to be unafraid of showing our weakness. we all have them, no matter who you meet, we are all weak in some way, that is undeniable. don't ever tell another that you are a disappointment, let them decide for themselves what to make of you, but don't let their decision define who you are. it's hard to admit that no one, no matter who they are, really knows the truth of you or i. but one does. and we must trust Him.
we must continue to press forward in spite of the obstacles and hindrances that have greeted you before and will bombard your path again. remember what you said, what you wrote, what you shared with other dear hearts, what you want for life now and life to come. with all your heart. keep going in that way. don't care for the things that have no eternal matter. what you do in your day to day, what people say, when you feel mistreated...let it go...and love. let it go and love. you can, you have, and you will. keep going, take a chance, take a leap of faith, and believe that the outcome you will find, you will be carried through, and it will, it does make will see it, sometimes. hold someone's hand, and remember He is always holding yours.
i will hold on, i will hold on, i will hold on, i can move the mountains with you.
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