i love reading when life is good, when life is hard, when life is busy, when life is slow. i love it for whenever. jumping into a book is like jumping into another world. i love the experience you can have when reading a book. it involves such active participation of all of our senses.
the emotional committment reading involves is interesting. you have to think about what you are reading, you have to process what you are reading. you have to see what you are reading. you can smell it too. you can hear it, if you listen hard enough.
you are there. you are an observer. you are part of the stories. you can fall in love. you can cry. you can come to know and love the characters you meet, or you may hate them. you can travel across the world, or meet someone interesting. you can see a real life event that happened many moons ago, or 1500 miles away, but it can be like you are experiencing it firsthand.
reading can open your mind to possibilities, it can challenge the way you think, it can bring you comfort or excitement.
currently i am fretting alongside catherine moreland over henry tilney, i am walking alongside robbie turner during WWII in deep anguish, i am seeing the events and the people involved in the columbine massacre from a much more emotional and detailed perspective, and i am learning more about how Jesus connects with us in our hurts and sorrows, and seeing His hurts and sorrows in a deeper realness than I ever have before.
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