Because power corrupts,
society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the
importance of the position increases.
John Adams
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Because power corrupts,
society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the
importance of the position increases.
John Adams
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Because power corrupts,
society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the
importance of the position increases.
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Because power corrupts,
society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the
importance of the position increases.
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Girl America
Lyrics by Mat Kearney
(Best expresses the heart, prayer, and hope for our country)
I love the country that I live in. I feel beyond blessed to be born here and to be raised in a nation that was founded on the ideals of freedom and independence. To think upon where we've come from is a beautiful pondering. To think of where we are today is heart-wrenching. However, this does not negate my gratitude for this country and it does not deter my hope of what we are and what we can still become. The intention of this post is not to detail all my grievances with the current state of our nation, but rather take a moment and pause and appreciate what this nation has been built from and reflect on the dreams and hearts of our nations founders and leaders.
This summer I am reading several presidential biographies. I wanted to grow my patriotism and delve into the lives and minds of our past leaders and see just what it was that led them to faith and hope for our country and caused them to chase down the dream of leading our nation, whether it be through times of initial development, times of peace, times of upheaval and war, times of economic crisis as well as times of unity and landmark decisions.
I find it so inspiring to read about the lives of these men and leaders of our country. It reminds me of the privilege and duty it is to be an American. It calls to mind the heart of living life in freedom and the responsibility that comes with it. To me, being an American is a tale of overcoming. It is overcoming odds and obstacles and darkness with light and hope and goodness. It is really a beautiful tale to live in this country and to absorb its history. We've come so far but I am certain we have a challenging journey ahead of us.
So, as we roll into the commemoration of the birth of America, I choose to celebrate the fact that this in heart is a beautiful country and the unity that comes from our history, from recent tragedies as well as a belief in the principles that began this country is something I really do treasure. I pray that America would be a nation that would be a light in the world. At least I pray that the people of this country would live out and share a voice and character of goodness and hope. And though it may seem far reaching and dismal to hope for such a thing, I believe we are more than our President and government leaders. We are 50 states of citizens who can overcome evil with good. So I pray we would stand united and embrace who we were meant to be. We can be more and do more and become more. AMERICA, I pray for you everyday, I believe in you, I dream for you, and I aim to live a life worthy of an American.