i miss video stores. i've been thinking about this a lot lately. i miss the days of walking into a blockbuster, video discount, or hollywood video and renting a movie. there was so much enjoyment that held for me. it was always the last stop on a day of errands, or i'd swing in after a late class, or a long shift and i would linger.
i remember the smells vividly, like a mix of burnt popcorn, cardboard and metal. it was an odd mix of aromas and while not totally pleasant, i found it was soothing in a way.
i would walk down the aisles, perusing movie titles and reading the backs of rental cases that i found particularly intriguing. i would seek out movies that weren't based on friend's recommendations, or critic's commentaries, but wholly based on simply what my eyes were drawn to. a man standing under bright moonlight in the middle of a baseball field...a woman's tortured expression amidst darkness and a sinister gentleman standing off in the distance, a man's proud smile gazing towards a pensive child sitting at a desk...it was the images that told me i wanted to know these characters and their stories. i would often ignore the titles and allow the people and the settings to speak for themselves.
by the time i'd get to the last aisle i would have 6 or 7 dvd's in tow and then be faced with the great task of narrowing down a solid selection to one or two to watch that evening. once i decided i would return the other titles to their rightful place and hopefully i would come upon them on the next visit. i never wrote anything down or made lists. i just wanted my heart to guide the choosing. and more often than not, i would be pleasantly surprised. sometimes i watched stories unfold that got completely under my skin. and those became the stories i would own to watch again and share with others.
i spent years collecting these experiences. mostly in solitude. on occasion i would share this with someone, but i found that most people aren't as open in their movie watching experiences. they have to know someone, or find out what someone else thought, or be guaranteed two hours of jam packed action and thrills to actually fork over the $2 or so dollars to rent something.
but i liked the surprise element. i liked that this was one aspect of my life i could leave to chance. the consequences were nothing other than a less than thrilling hour or two.
but i think that this is what life needs. life demands a little more openness to new experiences and a little less judgment based on a solitary perspective. for me, living a year wholeheartedly meant being open to pursuing things unabashedly, unashamed of the passion that i felt.
last night i fell asleep with the rushing of rain hitting against my window. i let myself lay in silence (which is rare) but i am finding more and more necessary. i stayed awake well into my regular sleeping hours and i allowed myself to think on my day, on the stirrings in my heart, and the people down the hall and across town, and in the cities just north of here, and those that are states away. and i let myself feel the longings for those whom i missed, for the way that relationships change over the passing of years, and the heavy pangs that sometimes press in for those that are now gone.
sometimes these pains, these longings, and even this fullness of heart demands to be felt. sometimes i may just decide they need to be noticed and given attention. i cannot and will not let years, months, even days go by without noticing, without giving reverence to what my heart is saying.
i miss riding the f train into manhattan and exploring the magic of the city i so longed for many years to live in and see. that city and its culture catapults my thoughts into dreams. it still holds something for me. i don't know if it is a life or just another visit. i am trying to listen to my heart on that one and not be hindered by the cliche of such a dream. it takes sitting with it, sharing it, and praying it to begin to know what to do with it and whether it calls for a wholehearted pursuit.
dating was precarious at best. i was risky and took some chances which only seemed to lead down a path of hurt. dating as a full-grown adult is quite a slippery road to walk down and at times even a perilous experience, especially when one is trying to do all things wholeheartedly. what i do know is when i finally meet the man i choose to spend the rest of my life with it will mean so much more for every holiday photo taken alone, it will mean more for all the years when i learned to do things on my own, it will mean more for the life i've learned to maneuver on my own. for the many times i've thought i am too far gone to allow space and room for another...it will mean so much more.
2014 was a year that required faith and asking big questions about that faith and church. 2014 meant realizing that life requires more than just wholehearted attempts to give my all to everything i did. 2014 was about walking with friends as they entered into motherhood, standing with friends on their wedding day, praying and crying and laughing with friends facing infertility and cancer diagnoses. 2014 was the year i realized that relationships aren't built overnight. i realized that while community is an authentic God-given desire, cultivating one is almost impossible. i thought, perhaps in vain, if i just loved and gave of myself wholeheartedly it would be enough, but truly it never was. that isn't to say it wasn't worthwhile or without its meaning...it just wasn't everything i though it was going to be. but that is life isn't it?
disappointment is a part of it all. it always is when we have expectations.
but in spite of that, i enjoyed so much of this year. life was a mixed bag of experiences and events. it was the year of new restaurants, great books, reunion concerts, having your tweet favorited by a celebrity, grocery store pick-up lines, puppy dates, discovering the good wife and it becoming an obsession, deciding on a second tattoo, battling worry and fear in a hardcore way, hugging brett eldredge, paying off a student loan, sharing the most vulnerable parts of my heart with some unexpected people and learning to accept the both/and aspects of life and what is gracefully and joyfully.
this was the year i will look back on as truly bittersweet.
as the calendar turns and tomorrow begins a new chapter, i feel not quite ready to shut the door on 2014. i believe so much of what was learned and experienced this year are necessary to hold onto and carry with me a little closer. it sometimes feels as though i am on the cusp of a great self-revelation. so i am holding tighter than i usually do. perhaps what i've learned and experienced will directly impact what 2015 holds.
and so i await with great anticipation what the turn of the calendar has in store for all of us.
31 December 2014
25 December 2014
christmas//through the lens of courage
there are certain words and phrases that quickly come to mind when thinking of the christmas season and its story.
hope, joy, love, peace, merry, good will towards men...
all of which are true and beautiful.
though i think we get stuck on those words (i know i do) and fail to realize the many other aspects, words, and phrases that encompass and define this miraculous story.
this year i've been encouraged to see christmas through a new lens. what i often miss or fail to give proper thought and reflection to joseph's side of the story. and what i found as i read through it was that it really presents Christmas to us through the lens of courage.
for joseph courage first looked like this:
hope, joy, love, peace, merry, good will towards men...
all of which are true and beautiful.
though i think we get stuck on those words (i know i do) and fail to realize the many other aspects, words, and phrases that encompass and define this miraculous story.
this year i've been encouraged to see christmas through a new lens. what i often miss or fail to give proper thought and reflection to joseph's side of the story. and what i found as i read through it was that it really presents Christmas to us through the lens of courage.
for joseph courage first looked like this:
But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared
to him in a dream and said “Joseph son of David, do not be
afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived
in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you
are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people
from their sins.”-Matthew 1:20–21
joseph was not unafraid, but rather walked into the fear with faith.
as the story progresses we watch joseph time and time again pick himself up, take up his family and walk forward with courage, letting God handle the outcomes.
i think the angel appearing to joseph is often overlooked but is not without its grand importance in the unfolding story of Jesus coming to earth. the angel stopped joseph from making a decision that could have had severe negative effects. and it wasn't like the angel forced joseph into action with his magical powers. joseph made a choice. a courageous choice. he was a righteous man, but he showed himself to be much like me and much like you. he felt fear, but he was a person who chose to trust.
and what comes in part as a result of joseph's courage is the story that transcends 2,000 years and is still changing lives and impacting hearts to this very day.
today we celebrate. and i am thankful for the reason in which we can gather together with friends and families and share gifts with one another. may it's true reason not be lost in our hearts this day.
this song has been on repeat for me this christmas season. this year it reminds me of why the courage that we see in the christmas story is possible for each of us. and i am thankful that christmas and all that it holds inspires courage.
Only to bring you peace,
Only at Christmas time,
Only the King of Kings,
Only what once was mine,
It takes the end of time,
It takes a long, long time,
Only one thought of mine,
Only at Christmas time.
He brings us peace,
He brings us joy,
He brings all thoughts to destroy,
Only at Christmas time,
To bring us peace,
To bring us joy,
To bring all thoughts to destroy,
Only at Christmas time.
Only at Christmas time,
Only a dream to cry,
Only at Christmas time,
If you can read the sign,
Only at Christmas time,
Everything lost will be found,
Only at Christmas time,
Only at Christmas time
Only at Christmas time,
Only the King of Kings,
Only what once was mine,
It takes the end of time,
It takes a long, long time,
Only one thought of mine,
Only at Christmas time.
He brings us peace,
He brings us joy,
He brings all thoughts to destroy,
Only at Christmas time,
To bring us peace,
To bring us joy,
To bring all thoughts to destroy,
Only at Christmas time.
Only at Christmas time,
Only a dream to cry,
Only at Christmas time,
If you can read the sign,
Only at Christmas time,
Everything lost will be found,
Only at Christmas time,
Only at Christmas time
15 December 2014
on 30//my currency
"if you are lucky, there is a moment in your life when you have some say
as to what your currency is going to be. i decided early on it wasn't
going to be my looks...my currency became what i wrote and said and
did."//amy poehler
1) i've learned that writing is hard. it's much harder than i thought, and definitely not for the reasons i previously thought. it's hard to be okay with, as anne lamott so eloquently put, "writing shitty first drafts". creating a novel is one of the most challenging processes, especially when one wants to write without pretension. if anything, this process has taught me to write without over-thinking. i'm trying to write what i remember for exactly what it was, not a romanticized idealization of what was. i know now that i want to write what is real. st. augustine said truth is like a lion, not something you need to defend, let it loose and it shall defend itself. and so, i will be most earnest to write and speak truth. with love. hopefully, always with love. beyond that, or perhaps encompassing all of that, i am accepting that writing is really a rather ineffable thing. steinbeck said we should write to and for our readers. otherwise, what interest will they have in what we read and say. but really, right now, i only write for myself. and i continue to be good with that. i will take the encouragements and truths from those writers i admire and i will implement them into my own practice, because that makes me better.
2) in spite of a love for writing i can recognize that my strength really isn't found in my words. i'm learning that words are limiting. they often do not convey the sentiments and emotions i so longingly wish to express. it comes out a little better in writing, but hardly ever is my strength in unplanned spoken words. sometimes, though written words have come out well enough to be considered a strength, but it is certainly not a reliable strong point. so even though, i sometimes wish words and writing were my currency, i would not claim that they are. and this too, i can accept.
3) my currency is not found in beauty or charm, or even kindness or compassion...because those are at best unreliable, popping up without any will on my part, but rather by grace, prayers and grand efforts. and some days, let's face it, these things just won't happen.
4) if anything, i am learning/have learned (and am again accepting) that my currency varies. on different days and different moments i feel like this is it. it presents itself, and i think, oh, here it is, i'm ticking and beating and it is vibrant and dynamic, but it is often ever so slippery and gone in an instant. and this is okay. so when asked, what is my currency? i can be vague and say that it is many things, and for today it is...
5) it's true what they say, the older you get, the less (you realize)
you actually know. this world is an immensely competitive place and
growing up is such a mysterious process. it's not always easy to
recognize when growth happens and how. thirty has shed more light on
that which is truly important and those things that just really don't
matter. and what it all boils down to is this. 30 has made me realize i
cannot and never will i be...perfect. another way of making this all
the more clear to myself is the every day reminder that i can control so
very little in my life, and absolutely nothing outside of it.
6) for most of my life perfection was my currency. it hurt me in a great many ways, but perfection fueled the trying and the writing, it kept a part of me chugging along through disappointment and distraction, and for those reasons alone, i can appreciate the version of myself that forced me into forward movement at the worst of times. it helps to realize those ill parts of ourselves also offer some good. and mostly it points me back to Him who was and is perfect. and that knowledge, known and felt in His presence, is my true currency.
7) i firmly believe it's okay to say no when asked out. not every man's interest needs to be addressed. and though i struggle with this, it doesn't have to include a lie to justify it. just be honest. 30 and single, does not equate to desperate and willing to settle.
8) let's not take each other out of context. i hate that. let's be willing to grasp the whole big picture otherwise, what good are we to each other? a big picture point of view makes for lasting relationships.
9) i am not, nor will i ever be, my mother, or my best friend, or my heroes, or even the very best dreamed up version of myself.
10) my dreams are not a husband and babies, nor are they my nice home and my career. these dreams that fill the longings and desires in my heart are so much more than that.
30 means embracing what is to come...however long of a chapter that it will become, only God knows...but 30 means reawakening those sidelined dreams by praying them up unabashedly and working towards them step by step.
1) i've learned that writing is hard. it's much harder than i thought, and definitely not for the reasons i previously thought. it's hard to be okay with, as anne lamott so eloquently put, "writing shitty first drafts". creating a novel is one of the most challenging processes, especially when one wants to write without pretension. if anything, this process has taught me to write without over-thinking. i'm trying to write what i remember for exactly what it was, not a romanticized idealization of what was. i know now that i want to write what is real. st. augustine said truth is like a lion, not something you need to defend, let it loose and it shall defend itself. and so, i will be most earnest to write and speak truth. with love. hopefully, always with love. beyond that, or perhaps encompassing all of that, i am accepting that writing is really a rather ineffable thing. steinbeck said we should write to and for our readers. otherwise, what interest will they have in what we read and say. but really, right now, i only write for myself. and i continue to be good with that. i will take the encouragements and truths from those writers i admire and i will implement them into my own practice, because that makes me better.
2) in spite of a love for writing i can recognize that my strength really isn't found in my words. i'm learning that words are limiting. they often do not convey the sentiments and emotions i so longingly wish to express. it comes out a little better in writing, but hardly ever is my strength in unplanned spoken words. sometimes, though written words have come out well enough to be considered a strength, but it is certainly not a reliable strong point. so even though, i sometimes wish words and writing were my currency, i would not claim that they are. and this too, i can accept.
3) my currency is not found in beauty or charm, or even kindness or compassion...because those are at best unreliable, popping up without any will on my part, but rather by grace, prayers and grand efforts. and some days, let's face it, these things just won't happen.
4) if anything, i am learning/have learned (and am again accepting) that my currency varies. on different days and different moments i feel like this is it. it presents itself, and i think, oh, here it is, i'm ticking and beating and it is vibrant and dynamic, but it is often ever so slippery and gone in an instant. and this is okay. so when asked, what is my currency? i can be vague and say that it is many things, and for today it is
6) for most of my life perfection was my currency. it hurt me in a great many ways, but perfection fueled the trying and the writing, it kept a part of me chugging along through disappointment and distraction, and for those reasons alone, i can appreciate the version of myself that forced me into forward movement at the worst of times. it helps to realize those ill parts of ourselves also offer some good. and mostly it points me back to Him who was and is perfect. and that knowledge, known and felt in His presence, is my true currency.
7) i firmly believe it's okay to say no when asked out. not every man's interest needs to be addressed. and though i struggle with this, it doesn't have to include a lie to justify it. just be honest. 30 and single, does not equate to desperate and willing to settle.
8) let's not take each other out of context. i hate that. let's be willing to grasp the whole big picture otherwise, what good are we to each other? a big picture point of view makes for lasting relationships.
9) i am not, nor will i ever be, my mother, or my best friend, or my heroes, or even the very best dreamed up version of myself.
10) my dreams are not a husband and babies, nor are they my nice home and my career. these dreams that fill the longings and desires in my heart are so much more than that.
30 means embracing what is to come...however long of a chapter that it will become, only God knows...but 30 means reawakening those sidelined dreams by praying them up unabashedly and working towards them step by step.
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cultivating compassion//practicing colossians 3:12 (part I)
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